Sunday, February 11, 2007

Next on CNN...

My thoughts on the recent events that are Anna Nicole Smith's death and ensuing media orgy... how sad that Anna was a piece of meat in our society (even the global society), how sad that her son battled the same, if not worse addiction problems, that most likely led to his death just days after his new sister was born, how sad that Anna lived her life under constant inscrupulous investigation and frivolity that had to affect her, emotionally, in ways that most of us, hopefully, will never have to endure.

Finally, how sad is it, that a 21 year old mother, Mailah Arkansas, is gunned down while moving out of her apartment in Oakland, the missed target of revenge. The bullets were intended for a person that was helping her move. I've been waiting for Larry King to do a three day special on it, but I haven't seen anything yet. Have you?

With as much acrimonious sarcasm that I can have...

R.I.P. Anna Nicole Smith 1967 - 2007


Anonymous said...

even as the celebrity trash addict that i (unfortunately) am...all i can say is...amen.

Anonymous said...

Playboy Centerfold + Millions of $$ + Conspiracy = perfect Amercan news story